Tuesday September 17, 2024; 12:43 PM EDT
Let's use feeds to hook together pieces of the twittersphere

I want to talk about interop among the products that do more or less what Twitter does, including Twitter.

I think we're doing a replay of the way hypertext developed in the 80s, and then took off when TBL produced a much simpler product with one-way links instead of two. It made developing a website a matter of writing a text file and uploading it to a server. Almost no configuration.

Same kind of experience with Napster, in a minute you had access to all the music of the world. It was super easy to use, that was key to it being a breakthrough. Over and over, it's simplicity that has made new technology take off. That a developer without much training but a big idea can put something together in an afternoon or a weekend.

We need that kind of interface for the same kind of explosion to happen between the twitter-like products.

Also I am using a recorder app from Google that automatically produces a transcript, so here it is.

27-minute podcast.