Saturday July 20, 2024; 11:12 AM EDT
Respect yourself podcast

A 25-minute ramble with the themes of the Dreaming piece I wrote earlier today.

Spoiler alert: I reveal the ending of the movie Casablanca.

Respecting yourself means sticking to problems we can and need to solve, and work together.

We can't make anything to happen until we start listening to and working with each other.

There is no perfect super-Democrat. Our candidate is Joe Biden. Any real candidate is going to suck.

It's like We Make Shitty Software, all candidates suck. But we do a great job.

The Democratic song this year, and always, should be With a little help from my friends.

Read George Lakoff, a great linguist who figured out how American politics work.

Check out Elizabeth Spiers piece about how it's time to get over the West Wing ideal. Martin Sheen never was and never will be president.

And remember your vote is a chess move, not a love letter.