Monday July 22, 2024; 8:18 AM EDT
1AM pre-DNC podcast ramble

Coming to you from New York on July 22, 2004.

I have the sniffles in this audio blog post.

Talking about what I'll do at the DNC.

The small picture. I actually use that term, thought I came up with that much later.

My goal is to give you an idea of what it's like to be there.

The DNC is next week, in Boston.

They're "importing bloggers" -- they really did roll out the red carpet for us.

We had a site called Convention Bloggers -- it was a feed reader, clearly done with Frontier, of blogs run by people who were at the convention.

I was wondering if they'd do it again in 2008. They didn't, but I did get to go thanks to help from Nicco Mele.

Will everyone at the DNC have a blog in four years? Yes, in a sense -- with Twitter, which did not exist in 2004 but did in 2008.

Re the cost of the Iraq war?

Scripting News blog for 7/22/2004.